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A "Magic" Long-life Gene

Writer's picture: Himalayan Long LifeHimalayan Long Life

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

A Scientific Theory: How Niacin May Possibly Control Your Life Span

The theory is this, and it is only a theory:

Your cells have a program. That program has inputs. The program tells the cells how long they should live for.

The environmental input into this program include the poisons you eat, what nutrition you eat, how many times the DNA has already divided and so on. It also includes how much sleep you get, how much stress are you under, radiation, radio waves and more. By poisons we can include: pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, preservatives, mold inhibitor, casual drugs and medications.

Mostly we see the outcome of a shorter life. So, down the ages we have been advised to sleep well, eat well, not to eat or drink poison. Okay, but what and where is the cellular program residing that decides how long you will live?

Recently there were seven genes discovered that program your cell. They are called the SIRT genes. SIRT means: Silent Information Regulator Two Ortholog. Ortholog means a similar gene sequence to do with the hereditary line. There are seven of these, and we are primarily interested in the first two. The first one, we call SIRT 1 for short.

At Himalayan Gold we came across this gene in a Harvard Medical School study.

The article from the Harvard Medical School stated that caloric restriction (fasting in any of its forms) was not the creator of longer life. It claimed that it was the SIRT 1 gene that made life longer. (See 12 below.) The caloric restriction simply triggered the SIRT 1 gene which in turn told the body to age less. Since then scientists have been proven more and more right, and this work has been continually followed up by an Australian, Dr. David Sinclair. He was named in TIME magazine as one of the top one hundred people set to change the world.

There is a government medical paper from Oxford stating what SIRT 1 does. We suggest that it seems to repair cells. SIRT 1 is also influenced by NAD+ (Niacin as changed by the body into a molecule that can then influence the SIRT 1 gene - see further below) and resveratrol - a protein now reportedly proven to give a longer lifespan in rats.

Many scientists and doctors have been exploring this area of research for cancer reduction, handling heart diseases and many others.

David Sinclair wrote a book on the subject and where his research is up to: Lifespan - Why We Age and Why We Don't Have Too.

At Himalayan Gold we do not suggest a chemical solution, or even individual supplements.

We are suggesting you use Himalayan Long Life Botanicals super-superfood to simply give your body natural food, and have food supply the compounds that trigger the SIRT 1 gene to extend the cellular age of the body. Sinclair, while looking for his drug compounds, is taking supplements of NAD+ and resveratrol. He explains it better in this video above. Yes, you could take only those supplements. But there are about 20,000 body enzymes, and there is a small adage that if you increase a vitamin to high ranges it can manifest as a deficiency of other vitamins. So we suggest that you raise all the thousands of micro-nutrients your body needs at the same time. We believe the best way to do that is by consuming plants that have good concentrations of those nutrients.

Let's continue the theory. The body takes the niacin, which is not overly-available in a natural form, and uses it by converting it to NAD+. (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide means: nicotinamide = niacin or vitamin B3, adenine = a molecule to give your DNA energy, dinucleotide = two phosphate, carbon-sugar, and nitrogen groups.

DNA with telomeres.

The NAD+ then affects the SIRT 1 gene by having it create an enzyme called Telomerase - which is also relatively newly discovered. Telomerase is a an enzyme that seems to affect the length of the telomeres. On the left are DNA, and the bright white spots are their telomeres. As the DNA divides these telomeres (markers) get smaller and smaller. When they cannot get smaller the cell dies, and so do we. That is old age.

Telomerase seems to have an ability to extend telomeres. Whether they just extend the ends, unfold the ends, or change the inside of the DNA, is unknown. But one way or the other, the DNA extends its life and the cells are rejuvenated. So, for the larger overall organism, it ends up subsequently with a longer life, all else being equal. This has been shown in yeast, worms, flies, and most recently in rodents.

What is also newly-known are mitochondria. Mitochondria are a totally separate small cell with its own separate DNA (RNA) structure residing inside our normal cells. They are much much smaller than the cell we are trying to change. They may clean your DNA, or signal it to then alter its lifespan. While we do not know definitely what mitochondria do there is a relationship between your mitochondria longevity and your own longevity. They get less as you age. In effect they are the powerhouse within your cells. If you restore them you have more power. Niacin has been shown to give power to diseased mitochondria in animal studies by increasing intracellular levels of NAD+, the important co-factor required for the cellular energy metabolism. (See 10 below.)

So, what are the limits we can set on eating niacin in super-superfoods? The answer to this is unknown. If the body has zero niacin, it dies very quickly. If you eat your veges and the niacin usually available, you will live to 80 years, give or take depending on other environmental factors. If you increase the niacin to much higher levels it increases longevity expectancy. How far will the SIRT 1 gene allow you to age? That is simply not known here.

There you have it. That is the theory. The things that trigger your DNA to extend lifespan are claimed to be:

1. Caloric restriction (any form of fasting).

2. Niacin sufficient for the age you desire in its right form.

3. Resveratrol, or another similar plant-based stress-protein.

4. Exercise (stress your body physically).

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