Basil Seeds can aid memory, due to their Omega-3 fatty acids content. But there is a lot more. The ingredient amount is low in Himalayan Long Life Botanicals Super Superfoods. But its reputation for the below is high in South Asia.
There is an excellent article below in the Health Benefits Times. You will learn much more by reading the full text.
Below is an extract from the above article. The links from the original have been left here in tact.

"There have been many dabble in the up and coming well-known basil seeds (which look like chia seeds), in that they might assist control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes (in accordance with the Sutter Gould Medical Foundation). Why is this so? Basil seeds appear to help the controlling of blood sugar in test subjects, as well as in dieters, it has the possibility to help in reducing appetite as well as food cravings and also to keep weight loss efforts on track. There are actually great claims which basil seed drinks assist with weight loss, yet with a lack of adequate research, these types of claims haven’t yet solidify at this time. In Asian countries, like Thailand, basil seeds are made in a drink, and stores sell these drinks in cans. The intact seeds, coupled with water, sugar, honey and often coconut milk, create a thick drink using a consistency much like tapioca. The traditional recipes, however, are higher in sugar. Also in Asia, it’s the primary component in Italian cuisines.

Health benefits of Holy Basil Seeds
Seeds offer concentrated nutrition and also fiber. All of the ingredients required for plant germination can be found within the seed, including carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fat. Many seeds offer nutrition, flavor and texture in the balanced diet, which includes poppy, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Research has shown that it gives a number of health advantages, from treating nausea to indigestion, diabetes, constipation, respiratory problems and so forth. There are additional health advantages people could possibly get from adding basil seeds in their nutrition.Listed are some of the popular health benefits of Basil Seeds:
1. Aids in digestion
Basil seeds are generally utilized to offer rest from stomach upset. Because of its carminative effects, it really is effective for the treatment of digestive disorders like stomach cramps, flatulence, constipation, irregular bowel movements as well as indigestion.
2. Treats colds
Another benefit of basil seeds is they offer rest from influenza, fever and cold. Since it has got antispasmodic effects, it will help treat whooping cough. In reality, tulsi is definitely the main ingredient in several expectorants and cough syrups.
3. Cures respiratory disorders
The herb is effective in the cure of respiratory disease, in accordance with recent studies. A combination of the herb, along with ginger and honey is a cure for asthma, cough, cold, influenza and bronchitis. Just boil it in the glass of water as well as consume it.
4. Stress reliever
Usage of basil seeds comes with a uplifting effect on your mood and therefore is helpful for reducing mental fatigue, nervous tension, melancholy, depression as well as migraine. Because of its soothing effect, it really is widely used for aromatherapy purposes, providing you with clarity as well as mental power.
5. Good for skin infections
Basil seeds are crushed into oil to aid in dealing with infections like wounds, cuts, bladder infections, skin infections and so on.There isn’t any proof whatsoever that basil seeds have got unwanted negative effects. However, you need to talk to your doctor prior to consume them, particularly if you are on medication.
6. Reduces Inflammation
Its anti-inflammatory nature decreases inflammation brought on by many problems just like arthritis, joints pain and etc.
7. Maintains Functioning of various Body Systems
It will help in maintaining the functioning of blood circulation system, cardio vascular system, digestive system, defense mechanisms along with other body systems.
8. Treats Problems of Genito-Urinary System
It will help for treating the problems of genito-urinary system like bladder infection, vaginal infection and gonorrhea.
9. Regulates Blood Sugar Level
It will help in reducing the metabolism as well as absorption of the carbohydrate within the intestine therefore regulates the blood sugar levels.
10. Fastens Wound Healing
Its anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory property fastens the wound healing as well as helps prevent from further skin disease.
Treats Hyper-Acidity Problem It will help in managing the normal cholesterol level as well as dealing with the hyper-acidity problems just like heartburn, gastro-esophageal reflex disorder and etc.
11. Reduces Effect of Snake Poison
It behaves as a natural antidote for the snake poison.
12. Improves Memory Level
Omega-3 fatty acids perfectly found on the basil seed works well for enhancing the memory level as well as brain power.
13. Basil seeds for acidity
Acidity problems are quite normal nowadays because of defective lifestyle and incorrect dietary pattern. basil seeds are having cooling and soothing effects on the stomach. Method: Take milk (1 cup) and basil seeds (1tsp), stir it well and drink the same to lessen burning sensation within your stomach.
14. Relieves constipation
The soaked basil seeds whenever consumed helps you to cleanse the inner stomach. It guarantees easy bowel movement and helps to flush out toxin through the stomach. It is also taken along with milk before you go to bed to help ease constipation.
15. Anti-inflammatory
Essential from Basil seeds have demonstrated anti-inflammatory property. Basil Seed oil is advantageous in lessening inflammation in arthritis and relive joint pains. Basil seed oil consists of Omega-3 fatty acids mostly alpha-linolenic acid that is biologically very active and acts in relieving stress and modulate immune functions in body.
NOTE: While these above are amazing reports, our super superfoods do not include high volumes of basil seed. If you are ill, please go to a physician. If on the other hand, you want good health by a cross selection of good nutrition, with an associated long life, our super superfoods are available for you.
Further references:
Combined effects of holy basil essential oil and inlet temperature on lipid peroxidation and survival of Lactobacillus reuteri KUB-AC5 during spray drying. Rodklongtan A, Chitprasert P.Food Res Int. 2017 Oct;100(Pt 1):276-283. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.07.016. Epub 2017 Jul 5. PMID: 28873688 Similar articles
Select item 311738312. Effects of beeswax-carboxymethyl cellulose composite coating on shelf-life stability and intestinal delivery of holy basil essential oil-loaded gelatin microcapsules. Ngamekaue N, Chitprasert P.Int J Biol Macromol. 2019 Aug 15;135:1088-1097. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.06.002. Epub 2019 Jun 5. PMID: 31173831 Similar articles
Select item 284941013. Stability Enhancement of Ocimum Sanctum Linn. Essential Oils Using Stearic Acid in Aluminum Carboxymethyl Cellulose Film-Coated Gelatin Microcapsules. Chitprasert P, Ngamekaue N.J Food Sci. 2017 Jun;82(6):1310-1318. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13738. Epub 2017 May 11. PMID: 28494101 Similar articles
Select item 253822224. Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) essential oil delivery to swine gastrointestinal tract using gelatin microcapsules coated with aluminum carboxymethyl cellulose and beeswax. Chitprasert P, Sutaphanit P.J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Dec 31;62(52):12641-8. doi: 10.1021/jf5019438. Epub 2014 Dec 17. PMID: 25382222 Similar articles
Select item 243604565. Optimisation of microencapsulation of holy basil essential oil in gelatin by response surface methodology. Sutaphanit P, Chitprasert P.Food Chem. 2014 May 1;150:313-20. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.10.159. Epub 2013 Nov 11. PMID: 24360456 Similar articles